Are your routines in a low stimulating environment? You need 3 routines. A morning routine, nap routine, and bedtime routine. These routines need to be different by two noticeable differences. Books, music, etc. All routines need to be in a calm, low stimulating environment. Your baby can be stimulated and triggered if you go from chaos down stairs, tv, lights, dogs, others kiddos, to a quiet dark room. Try to do a 15 minute low stimulation before taking your baby into the room for bedtime routine.

Does your baby have sensory issues?


Sensory issues tend to go undiagnosed as an infant. They usually aren’t diagnosed until the age of 2 or 3. Pay attention to sensory with noise, touch, eyes, and smell. If your baby is becoming overwhelmed in chaotic environments it may mean they should be seen by an Occupational Therapist to address the sensory. If your infant can go hours without soothing at night it may be a sensory issue. Have you ever tried the cry it out method and it didn’t work? That can be a sensory issue. Sleep Trainers are not experts in sensory, and it will need to be diagnosed from an OT.

Does your baby have separation anxiety?

If your baby has separation anxiety they may not be able to self soothe. Does your baby become even more upset when you come into soothe and then leave? This can be an anxiety induced reaction. They are scared and on edge being left alone in the dark room without their security blanket, you. It’s important to pay attention during the day, if your baby gets upset when you leave the room or they can’t see you. Is bedtime and naps a fight to get them down? It may be separation anxiety. If that’s the case it can take much longer to seep trainer. Your Sleep Trainer cannot diagnose separation anxiety. Please see your pediatrician for more information.


Your Sleep Trainer will help decipher if the issue is needing an OT, Pediatrician, GI specialist or more. To start the Sleep Training process today, call 303-717-1841 or email us at