3 Easy Sleep Training Tips

Is your Infant not sleeping through the night? It can be very hard on a family when you have an infant waking up 2-4 times a night. Mom, dad, siblings and baby all become exhausted and irritated. A lack of sleep affects everyone in the household. Get more sleep for you and your family. These 3 tips can help you and your baby sleep through the night.


Make the nursery dark.

Use black out curtains, and cover all light in the room. Light from windows, underneath the door, humidifier light, monitor light, firearm light, cover it with a piece of tape. Make the room pitch black.
If you need to go into the nursery at night, use a red light. Less stimulating for an infant. This creates a womb like feel for the baby, and creates a sleep environment that won’t simulate baby if they wake in middle of night. Sleep training a child is hard, blacking out the room will make it easier for baby to continue sleeping.

White noise machine

When sleep training an infant a white noise machine on ocean or rain can be very helpful. You want the waves noises to be loud. You want it to drown out any noise going on outside the nursery room. Make sure to cover the lights on white noise machine.

Bedtime routine

Sleep training success doubles when creating a bedtime routine. Make a bedtime routine of 7 things/ habits. Examples: Change diaper, sing a song, lavender lotion, read books, pajamas, etc. 7 things you want to do before baby goes to sleep for the night. Start night time routine 30 minutes prior to bedtime every night.

If you have questions or need more assistance, sign up for our online session. Helping your family sleep through the night quickly.




Night Owl Nanny Care