Baby Nurse


A baby nurse is not an actual nurse or woman with a medical degree. Baby nurse, night nurse, Newborn Care Specialist and night nanny are all pretty much the same thing. A baby nurse provides overnight care for your newborn(s). They will come to your home between 7pm-11pm and stay anywhere from 6 am- 9:30 am depending on your families needs.

While you sleep your baby nurse will feed, burp, and settle your newborn back down to sleep. Specialized in newborns they make sure your infant(s) tummy is settled and ready to be laid back down flat on their back. Experienced in reflux, oxygen, multiples, gas, constipation, breastfeeding, setting your newborn up for sleep success and sleep training. Your baby nurse will keep a log of how the night went. Logging sleep schedule, diaper changes and feedings. Your baby nurse will keep the nursery tidy. Doing any baby related chores, including baby laundry, sterilizing bottles/breast pump equipment, and taking out diaper pail.

Baby nurses will work around your families needs. Helping anywhere from 1-7 nights a week. You will grow to love and trust your nanny very quickly. Whether this is your first or your third child, this service comes in very handy. Let a caring professional and experienced baby nurse care for your baby so you can sleep.

Postpartum depression~ Sleep

Postpartum depression is most commonly caused from a lack of sleep. Make sure you are taking care of yourself and your family. Get some sleep. If this service was offered 20-40 years ago when our parents were raising us, believe me they would have utilized this service. We are a generation coming up with ways to help the busy parent, lets embrace that and accept help. Its  ok to want to sleep. You spent 9 months creating a little human being. Your body is tired. Rest up Mommas, we have you covered.


Night Owl Nanny Care



2 Replies to “What is a Baby Nurse?”

  1. I like how you say that a baby nurse will help you out with your baby during the night. My husband and I just had twins, and it’s getting a bit much for the two of us. We’re both not getting the sleep we need because if one of our kids is asleep the other is wide awake and needing something. They’re darling, but we need rest. I’ll have to find a baby nurse agency to contact.

    1. Hi Amanda, Thanks for reaching out. Twins can be exhausting. Please let us know if you’d like to interview some night nurses from our agency.

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